Why are we doing SportID?

Being mentored means questioning and thinking about a lot of things, I do not usually think about every day. For instance, the question of why we are doing what we are doing? What is the main driving factor of SportID that we all should feel inside of us. I can think of several reasons of how employee activity is useful…

The cost of the employee turnover

All companies need to earn more than they spend to be successful long term. We are doing better and better each year, still we were burning some more, again. We have been discussing the issues with the team, with investors and with my mentors. Of course one of the obvious things is that we need to earn more by acquiring…

BOOK REVIEW: Frederic Laloux – Reinventing organisations

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20787425-reinventing-organizations?ac=1&from_search=true The book was recommended to me by Dima and I bought this as an audiobook. It is about the new way of building up an organization upon self-management principles. It is hard to summon the principles in a few paragraphs but I strongly believe there is so much sense in all that, so I try. The author has studied…